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Directions By Land
Directions from San Francisco
Take the Golden Gate Bridge north to the Central San Rafael Exit.
Turn right at the light onto 2nd Street.
Take the next right onto Grand Street.
Grand Street will turn into Francisco Blvd East.
Turn left onto Harbor Street.
Turn left onto Canal Street.
Directions from the East Bay
Take the Richmond/San Rafael bridge north to Marin County.
Merge from the 580 onto the 101 North.
Immediately take the Central San Rafael Exit.
Turn right at the light onto 2nd Street.
Take the next right onto Grand Street.
Grand Street will turn into Francisco Blvd East.
Turn left onto Harbor Street.
Turn left onto Canal Street.
Directions from the North Bay
Take the 101 South to San Rafael.
Take the Central San Rafael Exit.
Turn left onto Fifth Street.
Turn right at Grand Avenue.
Stay on Grand Avenue as it turns into Francisco Blvd. East.
Turn left onto Harbor Street.
Turn left onto Canal Street.
Directions by water
Directions from Central San Francisco Bay
Follow the shipping channel North to the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge.
Pass under the bridge on a heading of 310°.
Turn to 270° at marker 17.
Proceed up the San Rafael creek channel.
It is approximately 100′ wide.
Proceed into the creek for about one mile.
Enter the marina area to the port just before the covered berths.
Our docks will be the first you see on your port side.
Directions from San Pablo Bay and the Delta